Selling To VITO, by Anthony Parinello -- review by Gill E. Wagner
I read Selling To VITO (The Very Important Top Officer) several years ago, and ever since I've incorporated some of what I learned into every cold-letter campaign I've done. I'm convinced that many of Parinello's ideas have helped me increase success, and I think his book is a worthwhile read.
Unlike many books that tell you what to do but not how, this is a true how-to book -- a self-starter can read the book and implement the process without having to take Parinello's sales course. I found that to be quite a refreshing change, and I hope you do as well.
Selling To VITO is a how-to-get-in-the-door book about using customer research, cold-letters, phone calls and voicemail to get in the door with decision-makers, or, as Parinello calls them, "VITOs."
The success of Parinello's process is rooted in four key features:
- Social Proof*: If other, well-known companies used you, then you must be great.
- Authority*: One of VITO's peers will supply testimonials of success on your behalf.
- Process: Develop a linear process to ensure objectives are preplanned and met.
- Consistency: Keep a consistent message that focuses on results and makes you stand out as unique among the many salespeople attempting to get in.
*For information on social proof and authority, see my review of INFLUENCE, Science And Practice, by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.
I found almost everything about the research and letter-writing process to be insightful and valuable. I did cringe mightily when I hit the follow-up call and voicemail sections of the book, however, because several of the techniques were way too "over the top" for me to implement. (It's just not in my behavioral makeup to be that perky!)
Something Parinello does not clearly state (although you'll pick up on it if you look closely) is that his process is a ton of work. So the VITO process will probably produce much better results for salespeople who sell at lower quantities, than for those who sell to hundreds, or thousands, of prospects each year.
The Process
Selling To VITO is primarily a hunter system that works best when you're targeting a handful of companies. Read the book, and you'll learn valid techniques for:
- Researching prospects and their companies, so you can position yourself for a peer-to-peer relationship with decision-makers.
- Cold-letter writing that will get you past gatekeepers and into the "do something with this" box of a fair percentage of decision-makers.
- Overcoming the roadblocks placed in your path by non-decision-makers.
- Using voicemail to get VITOs to call you back. (This is a process I was unable -- perhaps unwilling is more accurate -- to make work, because, while I'm passionate about what I sell, faking perkiness simply doesn't work for me.)
- Handling sales appointments and presentations to VITOs. (Note: The processes in The "I Hate Selling" Book are a better fit for me.)
I believe Selling To VITO is a book most salespeople should read, even if they don't end up using the techniques verbatim.
Gill E. Wagner, Sage of Selling
President of Honest Selling
Founder of the Yellow-Tie International Business Development Association